


Monthly training sessions are available to support ECE undergrad and graduate students. Register for the course on Canvas and select an upcoming on-site orientation session through the platform.

Enroll in the ECE Makerspace Course on Canvas.

Instructions for Completing Makerspace Training

  1. Enroll in the Makerspace Course:
    • Use the provided link to enroll in the makerspace course on Canvas.
  2. Complete the Online Canvas Module:
    • Once enrolled, access the online Canvas module, which includes various learning resources and a quiz.
    • Complete each tab in sequential order, as they are prerequisites for the next section.
  3. Follow Sequential Order:
    • Ensure that each section of the course is completed in the required order to unlock subsequent sections.
  4. Contact Engineering Support:
    • If you encounter any registration or enrollment issues, email Engineering Support for assistance at


  • Additionally, we offer training and access to specialized equipment for ECE research groups, including the Tinkerine 3D printers and Epilog Laser Cutter.
  • Undergraduate students are encouraged to submit a service request to obtain parts made with the laser cutter and water jet machine.

Access Makerspace calendar