ELEC 391

Electrical Engineering Design Studio
Lab Location: MCLD 3042
Engineering Services Contact – Roberto Rosales


Page under development …. the information below will be updated soon


Facilities3rd Year Lab: MCLD 3042, you have card access from 7am to 11pm, every day of the week.
ECE Makerspace: MCLD 1016, open to ECE members for supervised work, Mon-Fri during work hours.
ELEC391 students have priority during 391 Studio hours on Tue and Thu as on the
Makerspace calendar posted "here" .
While in the lab or ELEC391 Maker Space Studio, students must wear their ELEC391 name tags.
Getting partsEach group will receive at the beginning of the course:
1) A mechanical parts kit
2) An electrical parts kit
All parts must be returned in good condition at the end of the course.
Additionally, each team is entitled to up to $65 in parts for custom added features. These parts must be ordered according to the instructions posted 'here'
Install SolidWorksFollow the instructions posted 'here'
3D printingThere are FDM Tinkerine 3D Printers deployed in the Makerspace for free use.
Printers are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Instructions on how to operate the printers are available at:
Essential resources for educators teaching 3D printing
3D Printing Design

ELEC 391 students can submit up to two 3D printing requests.
If a printed part breaks, students are responsible for reprinting it during studio hours.

To submit a request, please fill out the web form here.
For requests fill this online form
Installing the Tinkerine SoftwareIn order to print on the Tinkerine printers, you first need to prepare your .stl file in the Tinkerine software.

There are two options to obtain this:

1) Download the Tinkerine Suite 2.0 software here

2) Print on the web using Tinkerine cloud. Click here for instructions.

Laser cuttingMaximum Cut Size: 9" x 4" (228.6 mm x 101.6 mm)
Material: 6 mm Acrylic Sheet
Attendance Requirement: A team member must attend and observe the cutting process


For requests fill this online form
Request Limit: One request per team
Waterjet cuttingNot Applicable this term
Install AltiumYou can obtain a student license 'here'
It is free, unlimited, and renewable every year while you are a student
PCB design tutorial and support files Altium's getting started tutorial is available here: Tutorial - A Complete Design Walkthrough with Altium Designer
Makerspace trainingRequired for all ECE members only once.
You must attend an on-site orientation first and then complete an online test on Canvas.
On-site orientation for ELEC391 students: during lab sessions of weeks 3 & 4 as announced by course instructors.
To register on the course and to reserve your session, visit this link: this link
Contact Eng Services staffFill online form
All other requestshelp@ece.ubc.ca